Frequently asked questions

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What are the requirements to be a bodyguard?

To apply to the Escort position you must have the following requirements:

High School level studies (required)
Age from 25 to 45 years
Experience in the area (verifiable)
Weapon carrying license (required)
DIGESSP accreditation as an escort
Current driver's license M and B type
Extensive knowledge of the city perimeter and surroundings
Automotive driving knowledge and techniques
Availability to carry out technical driving tests

If you believe to be the right fit please send your CV to the email We will gladly follow up

Do you have any jobs available?

Each month we post all available jobs on our website and social media. If you have a question or would like to be considered for a position, please send your CV and job interest to

Where are you located?

Find our information in the CONTACT section of the website. You will see our phone numbers, physical address, waze address, city map and emails as needed.

What are your office hour?

Our offices are available from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.